Guide me ever closer to You as I seek
to understand more fully the truth
of Your Magnificent Complexity.

Strengthen, please, the burning faith which You have given me.

Renew the divine, rock-solid hope
of salvation which is my guiding star.

Let my companionship with You inspire me
to heroic acts of Charity.

Let my love of You wash away the multitude
of my sins.

Be with me, please, in every breath I take.
May every step I take bring me closer to You.

Give me patience with which to receive cautious discernment in my quest for divine enlightenment.

Grant me keen wisdom to winnow the wheat
from the chaff, even as You protect me
from prideful error.

Thank You for my mind and consciousness.

Lead me ever from the midnights of ignorance, into the shining dawn of wisdom.

Hold me, please, in Your loving heart
as Your faithful child, and bring me
into the glory of Your Eternal Presence.


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